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Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford

The Scholarship and Christianity in Oxford (SCIO) program is designed for students interested in doing intensive scholarship in this historic seat of learning. 

Designed specifically for students seeking an academically rigorous and robust experience, a semester at SCIO seeks to brighten the brightest of minds. Students at SCIO can spend one or two semesters in Oxford. SCIO and Wycliffe Hall require students to have a GPA of 3.7 or higher. In tutorials, students meet one-on-one with acclaimed Oxford scholars (often including widely-published authors, historians, former international ambassadors, and other celebrated scholars) to go head-to-head on subjects within the disciplines of history, literature, languages, philosophy, musicology, art, science, and more. 

The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), an association of more than 185 campuses around the world, offers off-campus study programs to students of its member institutions. The programs offer a unique opportunity for students to make the world their classroom, going beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. These interdisciplinary learning opportunities are available to upper-class students. For further information, contact CCU’s Life Directions Center (LDC) for CCU-specific application procedures.

More information available at CCCU GlobalEd.