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Academic Policies


Catalog as Guide and Agreement

The catalog provides students with the best information available concerning the University and its programs at the time of publication. While every effort is made to provide accurate and up to date information, the University reserves the right to change without notice statements in the catalog regarding policies, academic offerings, standards of conduct, and charges for tuition, fees, and room and board. Since the University continually modifies and improves the curriculum to meet the needs of students, the catalog serves as a guide and agreement between the student and Colorado Christian University.

A student who enrolls in the University will be allowed to graduate under the academic program requirements in the catalog published at the time of his or her initial enrollment or selection of a major, as long as the student has maintained continuous enrollment. Students who change their major will complete the degree program under the catalog in effect at the time they change their major. To change majors and catalog years, students must be currently enrolled. A student who has applied over 366 days ago or a student who has not been enrolled for 365 days must apply for readmission and complete a degree program under the regulations published in the catalog that is in effect at the time of re-enrollment. Policies and regulations published in the most recent catalog apply to all students regardless of their catalog’s particular academic/programmatic requirements.

Students enrolled under this catalog may be required to or may choose to participate in activities with outside institutions, including (but not limited to) internships, practicums, clinicals, student teaching, and field experiences. In addition to requirements imposed by CCU on participants in these activities, outside institutions providing these activities may impose their own requirements and restrictions on student participants. Students are wholly and solely responsible for compliance with these requirements of outside institutions. Further, students acknowledge that CCU is in no way liable for negative impacts on a student's educational experience or progress due to a student's failure to comply with the requirements of an outside institution hosting required activities for CCU students.

Students who are admitted to Colorado Christian University agree to abide by University policies and Standards of Student Conduct as defined by the Student Handbook for their College and any applicable program handbooks.