CUS Student Life

CUS Student Life
Colorado Christian University is committed to the belief that learning occurs both in and out of the classroom. Students are able to impact the world for Jesus Christ as they are competent in their fields of study and as they develop a lifestyle that reflects their Maker. This integration of knowledge and lifestyle is best achieved in the context of community. Opportunities for dialogue, interaction, recreation, fellowship and service promote personal growth and community growth within the University. Student Life seeks to extend appropriate services with sensitivity to a diverse on- and off-campus population while modeling accountability and holding students accountable to community standards.
Standards of Conduct
CCU Regulations & Applicable Civil Laws
Applicability of CCU's Standards of Conduct: On-campus, Off-campus, Public Domain
General Student Conduct Expectations
Applicability of Services
Mission of Student Life
Student Life
Campus Activities and Leadership
Campus Ministries
University Counseling Services
University Health Services
Residence Life
Standards of Conduct
CCU seeks to create and maintain an educational environment where individual and institutional responsibility combine to promote students' holistic development. In order for the University to achieve this goal within an atmosphere where the rights of its members are respected, it is necessary to establish policies and procedures that govern student conduct. These regulations have been developed to reflect the nature of a student community focused on educational and spiritual growth and the unique situations that arise within such a community of learners. As such, every member of the University community is provided equal rights and benefits in accordance with the expectation that each student demonstrates maturity, intelligence, and concern for the rights of others.
When a person demonstrates a lack of cooperation, respect and consideration for himself or herself, the standards of the University, or the University community, CCU, acting through its officials and judiciary bodies will take disciplinary action. Behavior that disrupts the community atmosphere at CCU, whether attempted or committed cannot be tolerated, and will be addressed. Thus, it is the goal of the student discipline system to, as outlined in Proverbs 13:24, show the love for the University's students through prompt correction of behavior that disturbs the University educational community, based in a system of grace and guidance.
It is the intention of this code of conduct to clarify the standards of behavior essential to the University's educational mission and its community life. Consequently, the Standards of Conduct are applicable to all College of Undergraduate (CUS) students and their guests when visiting campus.
One of the distinctions of Christian Higher Education is the pursuit of a community that seeks holistic student growth (spiritual, intellectual, personal, emotional, and vocational) in an atmosphere that follows the example of Jesus Christ and Biblical teachings. Active participation in such a community requires students to abide by a common set of standards that reflect CCU's institutional mission and provide an agreed-upon framework for student behavior. CCU's Standards of Conduct are an integration of Biblical teachings, civil laws, and concern for the respect for the rights of other community members, brought together to help create a campus community that seeks to honor God and one another in the common pursuit of educational and spiritual growth at an evangelical Christian University. As such, students are expected to live in accordance with the Scripture, which teaches the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of life and thought and stresses the importance of caring for our whole being as temples of the Holy Spirit. Believers are urged to be careful stewards of the mind, time, abilities, funds, and opportunities that have been given by God and are instructed to love God with all of their being and to love their neighbors as themselves. CCU students must realize their important responsibility to personal righteousness and the practice of justice, the value of evangelistic outreach through word and life, and to exercise freedom in Christ. The University realizes that most of what Scripture teaches in regard to attitude and behavior are difficult to define in terms of Standards of Conduct yet lie at the heart of relationships with God and with others. Thus, we encourage all members of the University community to address such attitudes and behaviors as they become discernable in order for positive change to occur. In addition, all laws of the nation, state, and local community are to be obeyed. Of course, some issues regarding community living are not specifically addressed in Scripture or civil laws, and in such cases, CCU's Standards of Conduct direct students to act with respect for others, consider others' sensitivities, and exercise personal restraint to provide an optimal community living and learning environment.
CCU's Standards of Conduct seek to integrate Biblical teachings, civil laws, and community standards based on the consideration and respect for others to help create and maintain a community environment in which all CCU students, whether on- or off- campus, strive to: deepen their spiritual commitment and understanding of the Bible; develop their moral character; expand their intellectual abilities; participate constructively in community life; and observe and adhere to the rules and regulations of the University. CCU encourages its students to take particular care to exercise discretion in their choice of entertainment, relationships, and associations. Students should also be aware of the growing problem of drugs, sexual behavior and alcohol abuse in today's society, as well as the offense and danger of the use of tobacco. The University recognizes that these practices would reduce the effectiveness of corporate testimony and could harm others. To this end, all such activity is banned from the campus, and off campus CCU students are subject to disciplinary review when information regarding alcohol, sexual activity or drug use comes to the University's attention.
At CCU, we desire to take advantage of a unique opportunity to enhance students' growth through disciplinary matters regarding developing responsibility for their behavior, as well as establishing a community that is conducive to successful learning, living, and growing. In addition, learning to live within a common set of behavior standards seeks to increase students' abilities to live with others in a group situation and to function well in the campus community within the University's expectations. Consequently, disciplinary proceedings will be initiated when it becomes apparent that informal procedures are unlikely to produce desired changes in behavior. Accordingly, each student will be treated individually within formal disciplinary procedures.
It is assumed that individuals who join the University community will strive to uphold the mission of the University and adhere to the community standards in the spirit in which they are set forth.
The following are the purposes for disciplinary proceedings at CCU:
To redirect behavior;
To protect the rights of others in the community;
To encourage and to teach responsibility for one's own actions;
To encourage an educationally-focused student living and learning community; and
To discuss and explore with students how one's behavior is an outgrowth of our relationship with Christ.
Since one of the main foundations of the discipline process involves emphasizing a student's responsibility for his/her behavior, student records will remain on file for the entire length of his/her stay at the University.
CCU Regulations & Applicable Civil Laws
CCU is committed to cooperating with federal, state, and local authorities in their efforts to enforce existing laws regarding alcohol use, drugs, and public health and safety. Although possession and use of marijuana consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Constitution is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana by all CCU Students continue to be prohibited while on or off campus. Our educational purpose guides university regulations in these areas within the framework of applicable law. Students are expected to abide by these laws and regulations and to accept responsibility for their conduct.
Violations of federal, state, and local laws may be referred to appropriate outside agencies for disposition in addition to any University disciplinary action. Actions involving a student in a legal proceeding in a civil or criminal court do not free the student of responsibility for his/her conduct in the University judicial system. If the student is charged in both jurisdictions simultaneously, the University will proceed with its own judicial review process according to its own timetable. The University also reserves the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against students who have been formally charged with off campus criminal violations by legal or civil authorities. The University also reserves the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against students who may have otherwise committed an action off campus, which may be related to the security of the University community or the integrity of the educational process. Such discretion rests with the Vice President for Student Life and Traditional Enrollment or the President of the University. Disciplinary regulations at the University are outlined in writing to give students general notice of prohibited conduct. The regulations should be read broadly and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. The University reserves itself the right to interpret conduct that is in violation of these regulations.
Applicability of CCU's Standards of Conduct: On-campus, Off-Campus, Public Domain
CCU reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well being of the campus community and the students who comprise it. It may become essential for the University to take necessary and appropriate action as a result of students involved in incidents that:
occur off-campus,
are in direct conflict with the unique mission of the University or
may affect the ability of students to function well in the University community, at University-sponsored events, or in the classroom.
The authority for deciding which off-campus actions threaten the campus environment rests with the Vice President of Student Development. The University addresses off-campus violations of the CCU Standards of Conduct between currently enrolled University students, or students and other CCU community members, in the "Prohibited Conduct" section of the Student Handbook. The Vice President for Student Life and Traditional Enrollment holds authority for making decisions regarding any off-campus behavior not addressed in this section, which may threaten the campus environment. A student involved in an off- campus incident with another University community member could face charges in the University discipline system and judicial process, as well as civil or criminal charges. Complaints from University community members against University students involving infractions other than violations of the Standards of Conduct will not be the responsibility of the University to investigate or review.
The University may also address violations of University policy posted on online communication networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. A detailed policy can be found in the Student Handbook.
In the event of complaints from non-University citizens or agencies, the University will cooperate fully with local authorities in the performance of their duties, but it will not have responsibility for adjudicating the complaint. If a specific violation of CCU's Standards of Conduct is involved in the complaint, then the University will reserve the right to act in that instance.
General Student Conduct Expectations
Within the traditions of its mission and Christ-centered heritage, CCU expects its students to develop a high standard of behavior and personal values. Among these expectations are:
Respect for the rights and human dignity of others, especially in the conduct of relationships;
Respect for the rights and needs of the CCU community to develop and maintain an atmosphere conducive to academic study and personal life;
Respect for the University's academic traditions of honesty, freedom of expression, and open inquiry;
Tolerance and respect for the different backgrounds, personalities, beliefs, and spiritual traditions of students, faculty, and staff who make up the CCU community;
A willingness to assist others in need of support, guidance, or friendship;
Respect for federal, state law and ordinances;
Respect for the authorities, policies, procedures, and regulations established by the University for the orderly administration of University activities and the welfare of the members of the University community;
Adherence to the values, attitude, direction, and tone that Christ set forth when relating to fellow students or community members who have been wronged or have entered into a dispute;
Ownership in a biblically-based Christian community to the confrontation of sin by its members through love and truth.
The Student Handbook addresses additional issues related to the student code of conduct including, but not limited to, students' rights as victims, rights of participants in the discipline process, sexual harassment and assault processes, explicit sanctioning guidelines, and the judicial process.
Applicability of Services
Descriptions of policies, regulations, and services described in this catalog are generally intended for all CCU students including the College of Undergraduate Studies program, either full- or part-time, students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies programs, and academic programs offered at other CCU sites around Colorado. The availability of services to students is subject to change at the discretion of the University. Program features include, but are not limited to:
Policies |
| Program Availability |
Standards of Conduct |
| All CCU students* |
Athletics |
| CUS Students** |
* All CCU students refers to any CCU student in either the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) or the College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS).
** CAGS students may attend athletic events and in some instances may participate in athletic competition upon approval of the Director of Athletics.
Questions on the availability of other services not listed here should be referred to the Student Life Office or the program directors of nontraditional programs.
Mission of Student Life
In keeping with the mission of the University, its educational goals and assumptions, the Division of Student Life strives to support the growth and life of the CCU student:
through an effort to integrate the life of the whole person-spiritually, personally, socially, physically, intellectually, and vocationally;
through programs that develop leadership skills and encourage students to assume positions of significant responsibility;
through promotion of an academic atmosphere in all student activities and services;
through encouragement of students to exercise their freedom and judgment while respecting the rights and needs of the campus community;
through activities that promote service to others on and off-campus;
through activities and services that maximize the opportunities for students to understand themselves and to grow and develop to their fullest potential;
through activities that enhance an atmosphere of spiritual growth, renewal, and understanding while continuing the commitment to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
To these ends, the University provides the following departments and programs to serve its students.
Student Life
The administrative responsibility for the supervision and coordination of the Student Life areas and staff rests with the Vice President of Student Life and Traditional Enrollment. These areas include: Admissions (CUS), Athletics, Campus Activities and Leadership, Campus Ministry, Counseling Services, CCU Academy, Health Services, Residence Life, and Security. Additionally, the Vice President of Student Life and Enrollment oversees programs such as CCU Associated Students and has a liaison relationship with the University food service provider. The Vice President of Student Life and Traditional Enrollment also responsible for implementing the discipline program and Standards of Conduct. The AVP Student Programs/Dean of Students serves as the University's designee to coordinate the student conduct system for the CCU student body, including setting and upholding the University's Standard of Conduct. The Student Life Office is located on the second floor in the Anschutz Student Center.
Campus Activities and Leadership
The mission of the Campus Activities and Leadership Department is to enhance the student experience through holistic care and leadership development by facilitating interactions outside of the classroom. We accomplish this mission through the following organizations and activities:
Intramural Sports: The purpose of the Intramural Sports Program at CCU is to promote healthy community life within CCU's student body by providing high-quality athletic activities in which students have fun while competing against fellow students. Activities include flag football, basketball, dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, and other sports. There are many opportunities to get involved with intramurals through both one-day tournaments and month-long seasons.
The Intramural Sports Program is committed to serving God and the students of CCU by facilitating fun activities and healthy competition so that students can build community both within their intramural team and with the students they compete against.
Campus Activities Board (CAB)​: CAB exists to facilitate fun and memorable experiences that showcase CCU student talent, enhance community through on and off-campus events, and engage the entire CCU student body. CAB plans and hosts our beloved traditional events – King Cougar and O’Malley’s Alley – as well as Fall and Spring Dances and De-Stress Events.
Student Organization Board (SOB): SOB oversees all student t-run groups catering to a variety of academic and non-academic interests, with new groups being added monthly, as requested. Through leadership development, adviser mentorship, and budget management, students that participate in student organizations experience creative freedom and find individualized communities and opportunities throughout their time at CCU. Clubs and organizations represent a variety of hobbies, topics, academics, and sports such as Hockey Club, CCU for Life, Pre-Health Club, Research Club, and many more. If you can't find a student organization that suits you, we would love to help you start a new one!
Orientation: Our orientation programming is designed to welcome new students and assist them in making a successful transition to the CCU community. The Weekend of Welcome (Fall semester) and Winter Welcome (Spring semester) orientation programs welcome first year and transfer students and provide programming to help them create new friendships, and become familiar with campus, resources and the spiritual life of CCU. New students, both freshman and transfers, who begin in the fall are also required to attend the New Student Retreat in September as the culmination of their orientation experience.
Anschutz Student Center: At the heart of the residential side of campus, the Anschutz Student Center serves as a gathering place for growing community connections and developing students in all spheres of their lives - academic, social, personal, and vocational. Several departments are housed in this building including Health Services, Student Life, Campus Activities & Leadership, Dining Services, and 5280 Altitude Fitness.
5280 Altitude Fitness Center: The Fitness Center exists to educate, empower and challenge students' holistic well-being by providing a safe environment for all students to create lasting habits, all to the glory and honor of Christ. Classes are led by student instructors and offered throughout the school year along with fitness challenges. Every student enjoys the benefit of access to the Fitness Center during their time at CCU.
Student Leadership Roles: Through active participation in programming and event planning, students' unique interests and talents are considered as a means of enhancing their growth and development as leaders. We see ourselves as educators, and therefore, we provide students with numerous "out of the classroom" learning opportunities and experiences designed to develop leadership and provide new structures and opportunities to students. With over 300 leadership positions across ten different departments, students are encouraged to pursue leadership that enhances their unique skills and talents.
Student Senate: Housed within Campus Activities and Leadership, the Student Senate is composed of our Student Body President, up to four Vice Presidents with distinct roles, and Senators representing various areas of our campus community, including each Academic department. These students seek to proactively gain an accurate understanding of student, faculty, and administrative voices in order to serve as an effective channel of communication for the purpose of community growth at CCU.
Campus Ministries
The purpose of Campus Ministries is to provide intentional leadership and coordination for the spiritual formation of CCU students through planned programs and events that facilitate the spiritual growth and development of our students toward Christ-like maturity. Their mission is to provide an on-campus structure for effective worship/chapel, discipleship, and counseling of student needs and to equip and mobilize students to make Christ known around the world. At CCU, the term "spiritual formation" refers to everything CCU does, in and out of the classroom, to make faith in Jesus Christ the authentic center of the lives of those in the campus community. CCU seeks to educate minds, model holy living, instill passion for Christ, develop compassion for others, engage in authentic Christian community, and stimulate personal growth so that CCU may shape servant leaders to be a transforming force in the church, community, and world for Jesus Christ.
There are four major areas of Campus Ministries: Worship, Discipleship, Outreach, and Missions. The Campus Ministries office is located just south of the Event Center.
The primary purpose of Chapel is to inspire and motivate CCU students in their Christian faith and life toward greater spiritual maturity, and to provide a corporate time of worship and spiritual community (or "body life").
We view chapel as a critical component of the CCU spiritual formation, corporate worship, and spiritual community experience. Student-led worship teams, chapel speakers, and other approved chapel events seek to provide opportunities to "worship God in spirit and truth" by:
Encouraging and promoting an intimate, personal relationship with God through worship and spiritual related teaching and instruction;
Providing inspiring and challenging, biblically-based teaching intended to transform personal lives and promote spiritual growth;
Complementing the work of the local church and the classroom through creative, effective communication on topics relevant to University students;
Providing a corporate and spiritual community experience to promote CCU unity in Christ.
Chapel Attendance Policies (College of Undergraduate Studies):
Attendance at chapel is an important part of the CCU community; therefore, satisfactory attendance is required to graduate.
Any CUS student wishing to obtain a degree from Colorado Christian University must acquire 180 chapel credits over his/her time at CCU to gain clearance for graduation and to receive a diploma. Students who attend and graduate from CCU in less than four years, and also transfer students, are required to obtain an average of 45 chapel credits per year, or 23 chapel credits per semester, for graduation. The requirement is built in such a way that a student can acquire the necessary 180 chapels during a three-year period. Because of this structure, no exemptions will be made for students who study abroad, hold a job, or student teach. Students planning on going abroad, working, or being off-campus to student teach should make sure they are planning their chapel attendance accordingly. Extra-credit chapels are another good alternative for those students who need to be creative about meeting the requirement. This applies to all students who wish to receive a degree from CCU College of Undergraduate Studies.
Effective with the 2019-20 catalog year, seniors wishing to walk during the commencement ceremony must have 90% of their required chapel credits accomplished: 162 for a student at CCU for four years, 121 for a student at CCU for three years, 82 for a student at CCU for two years. A student who is short of the 90% threshold will not be able to participate in commencement exercises.
Chapel is held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 10:50-11:40 am in the CCU Event Center, unless announced otherwise. Other spiritual formation activities are also eligible for chapel credit; these eligible activities will be noted on the chapel schedule each semester.
In order to receive credit for attended chapels, students must do the following:
o Have their student ID (no exceptions)
o Scan their ID prior to 11:00 am
o Remain for the entire program (students leaving early are asked to scan out)Once a student reaches the 180 chapel requirements no formal expectation of chapel attendance will be required. The University would hope, however, that the student will continue to be a part of this important community event.
It is the responsibility of each student to monitor his or her chapel attendance. Students can view their attendance record through CCU Self-Service.
There are opportunities for additional extra credit chapels advertised during the semester for students who wish to take advantage of these opportunities. This gives students some flexibility in case of illness, injury, forgetting his or her student ID card, or some other pressing need to miss chapel.
Students who are involved in study abroad or student teaching programs are expected to work their 180 hour chapel requirement into their course of study.
Online Chapel Alternative
Because the chapel requirement can be accomplished in a three-year period, and extra-credit chapel opportunities abound, the online chapel alternative is offered for the rare situation when a student cannot obtain all of their chapel requirements through attending the normal chapel offerings. CUS students who have hardship circumstances that prevent them from attending chapel during the established times may apply to fulfill their chapel requirement online. Students who are approved to take chapel online will benefit from chapel via listening to chapel services online at a time and place of their choosing. There is a listening guide available for each service via the Internet that also serves as the attendance tracking mechanism for these students. Participating in online chapel is an all-or-none scenario and is not intended to substitute for corporate worship due to personal convenience or preference. It is not permissible to combine in-person attendance and online participation during the semester in which a student is participating in the online option. However, attending any extra credit chapels as an online chapel student is permissible and will be accepted towards final chapel requirements. Examples of hardship circumstances that could warrant permission to take chapel online might include students who are facing a medical condition that prevents them from participating in on-campus chapels, an academic issue, family emergencies, and other case-by-case situations deemed appropriate by the Campus Pastor.
There is a fee for those students approved to take chapel online who are not otherwise enrolled in the semester. Application for online chapel must be made each semester prior to the add/drop deadline and the course work completed by the first day of finals week. Questions may be directed to
Church Participation
Students are strongly encouraged to pursue a meaningful relationship and involvement in a local church. It is our hope that every student will become involved in a local church on a weekly basis. Students in need of transportation to church can network with other students offering rides via the Campus Ministries office or contact their RA.
There are multiple avenues on campus for students to pursue personal, spiritual growth during their time at CCU:
Discipleship Groups (D-Groups) -- Weekly group meetings consisting of 5-7 freshmen students who gather to deepen their relationship with God and others through Bible study, fellowship, accountability, and prayer.
Men's and Women's Ministry -- Workshops, special events, and retreats focused on specific issues related to men and women, their uniqueness and differences, as well as ways they complement and relate to one another.
Mentoring -- Through formal and informal relationships between students and on-campus faculty/staff, as well as off-campus mentors, who are devoted to nurturing the spiritual development of students.
Prayer Ministry -- Opportunities for group prayer with other students, faculty, and staff.
Small Groups -- Bible study or topical study groups for upper-class students. Different groups are offered each semester and led by students, faculty, or staff.
Believing that gifts are discovered in the stream, not in the well, CCU strongly encourages student participation in local ministries. There are several student-led, local outreach/evangelism ministries in which CCU students can become involved to serve and to share the love of Jesus Christ. Drop by Campus Ministries for details or see their website for more information.
CCU2theWorld is the on-campus avenue for missional involvement, working in conjunction with many entities on campus to promote the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
We accomplish this goal in the following ways:
Offering short-term mission experiences to students, staff, and faculty.
Facilitating student leadership development through CCU2theWorld's leadership training program.
Hosting an annual missions conference for students and staff to interact with missions agencies and find their place in cross-cultural service.
Hosting representatives from mission organizations on campus to interact with students.
Partnering with other student clubs, organizations, and ministries to promote God's work around the world.
University Counseling Services - Larry J. Crabb Center for University Counseling
University Counseling Services is staffed by emerging professional counselors who are completing their graduate training. Licensed mental health professionals supervise counselor interns. Our team is equipped to provide short-term counseling support for students with mild to moderate clinical needs. Students in need of long-term care or with complex mental health concerns will be supported with community referrals to specialty care as appropriate.
We encourage students who have established therapeutic relationships to maintain their current care. Continuity of care is an essential ingredient for effective growth and healing. If your provider is located in another state, please explore telehealth options.
Current CUS students may inquire about eligibility for and availability of campus counseling services for the Fall 2024 semester by completing a counseling request form. Every effort is made to respond to inquiries quickly. Our primary means of communicating with students is through email so please respond promptly.
Our Vision: At the CCU Counseling Center, we aspire to empower students to cultivate personal mental health, emotional resilience, and spiritual growth. We envision a community where each individual is better equipped to fulfill their God-given calling while navigating life's challenges with confidence and purpose.
Our Mission: At the CCU Counseling Center, our mission is to create a welcoming and supportive environment that fosters openness and personal growth for students at Colorado Christian University. We offer high-quality, professional counseling grounded in faith, addressing the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of our students. Collaborating closely with the broader Student Life department, we adopt a holistic approach to student wellness and development. We welcome referrals from campus ministers, faculty, staff, administration, and fellow students to ensure comprehensive support for our community.
We're Here for CCU’s Traditional Undergraduate Students
The Colorado Christian University Counseling Center provides a wide range of Christ centered support services for traditional undergraduate students. The counseling center staff offers individual and group counseling to encourage health and wellness and assist with problem resolution and crisis intervention. All services are provided at no additional cost to our traditional undergraduate students. Due to the counseling center being a training facility, clients may be referred to community providers when needs are beyond the scope of interns, or for the sake of continuity of care, as the center is closed for all school breaks and during the summer.
Hours of Operation
Monday through Thursday, 8AM - 5PM
Friday, 8AM – 4PM
Cost: Counseling is available at no cost for CCU College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) students. The University funds the Counseling Center. If it is necessary to refer a student to an outside source for therapy or for medication, the student will be responsible for the cost of their off-campus services.
Confidentiality: Counseling sessions are confidential except where the law prohibits. Potential harm to self, potential harm to others, and child/elder abuse/neglect must be reported by law. All other information is kept strictly confidential, unless a client gives written permission for disclosure. Likewise, information conveyed during a counseling session that could involve disciplinary action cannot be shared without written permission unless there is a concern about danger to self or others.
Initial Appointments: Students will complete all intake paperwork and bring that to their first session. During this initial meeting, the counselor, in collaboration with the student, will recommend services within the Counseling Center or the community and assist students in obtaining the appropriate services to meet their needs.
Services Outside our Scope of Care: Students whose needs fall outside the scope of services or scheduling availability of the Counseling Center are referred to community resources. The Counseling Center provides referral services after the initial session or as these factors become more apparent during the course of therapy. The Center's Director and Assistant Director can provide referral options to better meet a student's needs and will follow up to offer additional assistance in finding resources as necessary.
University Health Services
The University Health Services office is staffed by a licensed healthcare provider (Nurse Practitioner). University Health Services provides routine ambulatory, confidential, student-centered medical care for traditional undergraduate CCU students. Services available in the Health Services Clinic include the following: diagnosing and treating minor illnesses, performing physicals, prescribing medications when necessary, dispensing limited over-the-counter medications, administering immunizations, conducting limited laboratory tests, and making medical referrals. Some laboratory rapid tests can be done in the clinic, ie: strep tests, mono tests, urinalysis, flu tests, covid19, and pregnancy tests. Flu shots, meningitis shots, tetanus vaccinations, and TB tests are also available. Allergy shots can be given, but a written physician order and the allergy serum vials will need to be provided by the student along with an allergy history form. Appointments can be scheduled to see the healthcare provider Monday through Thursday 8:30am-4pm and Friday 10am-2pm during the regular academic year. Walk-ins will be accommodated as the schedule allows. The office is not open on school holidays, school breaks, or during the summer. The University Health Services office is in the Anschutz Student Center.
Immunization Requirements
As a condition of enrollment, all students in CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies, living on or off-campus, must provide MMR and Meningococcal immunization information* as detailed below:
The State of Colorado requires college students to have a certified record of two (2) doses of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The MMR record must be signed by a physician, nurse, county health department official, or school health authority. The following is taken from the Colorado immunization law:
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines are not required for college students born before January 1st, 1957.
The first MMR cannot be accepted by the University if it was given more than four days before the 1st birthday. The second dose of MMR must be given at least 28 calendar days after the first dose of MMR.
In lieu of immunization, written evidence of laboratory tests showing immunity to measles, mumps, rubella is acceptable.
There is a "Statement of Exemption" to the immunization law that can be signed. This includes a medical and non-medical (religious or personal) exemption. In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, or rubella, exempted students will be subject to exclusion from school and to quarantine until the outbreak is over.
The Meningococcal ACWY*** vaccine is recommended by the CDC, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and the American College Health Association. The State of Colorado does not require students to receive the meningitis vaccine, but they do require signed documentation that the student has read the information about the disease and the vaccination. There are two ways to meet this requirement:
Documentation that the student received the Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine within five (5) years of enrollment. Please note that if the primary dose was administered on or before the student's 16th birthday, a second (booster) dose should be administered before enrollment in college. The booster dose can be administered any time after the 16th birthday. **
A new student (or their parent/guardian if under 18) must read and sign the "Information Regarding Meningococcal Disease" document.
*MMR and Meningococcal information must be turned into the Health Services office by the add/drop date. If the immunization requirements have not been met, an academic hold will be placed on the student's record. This "hold" will prevent the student from receiving a transcript of grades or registering for any further classes.
**The Health Services office will have the meningococcal vaccine on hand at the beginning of each semester. The vaccination cost varies each year and is payable by cash or check made out to Colorado Christian University or may be charged to the student's account. Students must receive the meningococcal vaccine prior to the add/drop date, or an academic hold will be placed on the student's record.
Health Insurance Coverage Requirement
As a condition of enrollment, all students in CCU's College of Undergraduate Studies living on or off-campus, carrying six (6) credits or more, must have their own health insurance coverage.
Each student must present proof of health insurance by completing the Personal Insurance Coverage Form.
A new Personal Insurance Coverage Form must be completed with any name change or change in healthcare insurance. A new Personal Insurance Coverage Form must be submitted if a student takes a semester off. If a student experiences a lapse in health insurance, he/she must notify Health Services.
Please Note: There is currently no university-sponsored health insurance plan for students. Colorado Christian University is not liable for any medical expenses incurred during the student's enrollment. The student is financially responsible for all medical expenses, including costs associated with injuries or illnesses contracted on campus or in extra or co-curricular activities.
Communicable Disease Policy
Many communicable diseases vary in degree of transmission to others and severity of potential health risks to individuals. These diseases could include infections such as chickenpox, mononucleosis, influenza and serious diseases such as meningitis, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. Such communicable diseases generate differing levels of concern among various populations. Colorado Christian University strives to establish clear, consistent, and non-discriminatory policies and procedures to deal with communicable diseases while concurrently acknowledging the privacy of the individuals. These policy and procedure statements are formulated by medical and legal opinions regarding communicable diseases with the goals of providing health awareness opportunities and extending proper treatment to all CCU employees, faculty, and students within the bounds of legal, moral, and ethical responsibilities. A full description of the policy statement regulating communicable diseases is available in the University Health Services office.
Residence Life
A decision regarding on-campus living is perhaps one of the most important decisions a student can make in their college career. Living on campus provides the greatest opportunity for living and learning in community. The Residence Life program strives to involve on-campus students in a Christian community that is fostered and built by the Residence Life staff.
The community living program at CCU emphasizes the Christian mind and character within an atmosphere that is conducive to exploration learning, risk-taking, and concern for the individual as well as the community as a whole. Thus, living in this community requires students to live with integrity, honesty, and respect, take responsibility for one's own actions, demonstrate care and concern for interpersonal relationships, and encourage responsible living among all others in the community.
The Residence Life program seeks to help students enjoy an on-campus living experience that provides opportunities for students to develop holistically. Thus, the Residence Life staff and other community leaders provide programs that encourage the mixing of various students' backgrounds and interests and promote education, uphold the University Standards of Conduct, assist students through encouraging positive roommate relations, mediating roommate conflicts as necessary, and following up on incidents that occur within the on-campus residences.
Resident Assistants, under the direction of Resident Directors, are placed in each living area to model behavior, build and encourage community, act as a student advocate and resource, serve as a liaison between the administration and students, help with residential facilities problems, and pursue the interests of the students within their environment. These efforts may include confronting individuals about unacceptable behavior, following up on noise complaints, investigating vandalism, planning a group outing, being on-call during the week, and being available to their students through community meetings.
CCU provides a 24-hour security presence on campus seven days a week. This service provides parking oversight, escort services, criminal investigation, and security lock-up for the Lakewood Campus.