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CAGS Academic Policies

  • Catalog as Guide and Agreement

  • Required Undergraduate Course Sequence

  • Limits on Backward Progression

  • Definition of a Credit Hour

  • Transferring Credit

  • Grading System

  • Academic Information

  • Academic Standing

  • Registration

  • Residency Requirements

  • Dual Use of Courses

  • Double Majors

  • Minors

  • Non-Degree Seeking Students

  • Graduation and Commencement

  • Cancellation of Courses

  • Emergency Cancellation

Catalog as Guide and Agreement

The catalog provides students with the best information available concerning the University and its programs at the time of publication. While every effort is made to provide accurate and up to date information, the University reserves the right to change the catalog without notice. This includes all content, statements of policy, academic offerings, standards of conduct, charges for tuition, and fees. Since the University continually modifies and improves the curriculum to meet the needs of students, the catalog serves as a guide and agreement between the student and Colorado Christian University. Students who are admitted to Colorado Christian University agree to abide by University policies and Standards of Student Conduct as defined by the CAGS Student Handbook.

A student who enrolls in the University will be allowed to graduate under the academic program requirements in the catalog published at the time of his or her initial enrollment or selection of a major, as long as the student has maintained continuous enrollment. A student who has applied over 366 days ago or a student who has not been enrolled for 365 days must apply for readmission and complete a degree program under the regulations published in the catalog that is in effect at the time of re-enrollment. Policies and regulations published in the most recent catalog apply to all students regardless of what catalog their particular academic requirements come from.

Students who change their major will complete the degree program under the catalog in effect at the time they change their major. To change majors and catalog years, students must be currently enrolled.

Students enrolled under this catalog may be required to or choose to participate in activities with outside institutions, including (but not limited to) internships, practicums, clinicals, student teaching, and field experiences. In addition to requirements imposed by CCU on participants in these activities, outside institutions providing these activities may impose their own requirements and restrictions on student participants. Students are wholly and solely responsible for compliance with these requirements of outside institutions. Further, students acknowledge that CCU is in no way liable for negative impacts on a student's educational experience or progress due to a student's failure to comply with the requirements of an outside institution hosting required activities for CCU students. 

Required Undergraduate Course Sequence

The CAGS undergraduate programs require certain introductory courses to be completed as the first courses to be completed in a degree plan. Specific program requirements, sequences, and credits transferred can impact this course sequence. Enrollment counselors or student service advisors will provide details for students to help plan the initial course sequence. 

Limits on Backward Progression

Students are not allowed to register or receive credit for any course that would be considered backward progression in a particular subject. For example, a student cannot complete a calculus course and then receive credit for college algebra or precalculus. For questions about which courses may be considered backward progression, please consult the university registrar. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the dean of the school the course is part of and the university registrar.

Definition of a Credit Hour

The College of Adult and Graduate Studies (CAGS) awards credit hours based on achievement of student learning objectives demonstrated in the quality of work as defined by the criteria established in each course for assessing student work. CAGS has developed general guidelines for workload to determine a credit hour assignment. Colorado Christian University uses the U.S. Department of Education's credit hour definition as a guide in determining credit hour workload. Based upon this definition of a credit hour, we estimate that students would engage in 15 hours of direct instruction and 30 hours of indirect instruction per credit hour earned. Thus, for a three-credit course, the range would be 112-135 hours of time spent on a combination of direct instruction and indirect instruction. (Please see BSN Nursing Student Handbook for nursing credit hour definition.)

Transferring Credit from Traditional Sources

Traditional credit is earned through post-secondary accredited institutions, colleges, universities, or schools. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that official transcripts have been received by Colorado Christian University, as decisions about transfer credits are based on official transcripts only; photocopies and unofficial transcripts are not accepted. Credit received is treated as transfer credit and does not count toward CCU residency requirements. Students are required to meet all residency requirements for graduation.

Potential transfer credit is reviewed to determine its equivalency to CCU coursework. The transfer evaluation process is typically completed within 10-15 business days after receipt of the official transcript. Courses that are evaluated as transferable toward CCU degree requirements will be listed on the student's progress report in Self-Service, indicating which CCU program requirements the transfer credit will satisfy. Courses that are predominantly identical in content and intent may be defined as equivalent to CCU courses and applied to the student's record. Courses that are not considered equivalent to CCU coursework may be transferred as elective credit and applied toward the student's elective degree requirements.

Students transferring credit must fulfill the CCU residency requirements (see below) as stated in this Academic Catalog. All credits must be transferred from a regionally or nationally accredited body such as the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges and must be a relevant or equivalent course required for the student's program of study.

CCU transfers credits but not grades or grade point averages (GPA). Transfer coursework must meet the following grade requirements: 

  • For Nursing and Education students, all transfer credit must be a grade of C or better.

  • For all other undergraduate programs, all transfer credit must be a grade of C- or better.

  • Graduate-level courses must be a grade of B or better.

Transferred courses of P (Pass) or S (Satisfactory) must be equivalent to the grade requirements above.

Computer science credits transferred to meet major core requirements must have been completed within five years of acceptance for admission to CCU. 

Nursing science credit transferred to meet major pre-requisite course requirements must have been completed within five years of acceptance for admission. The BSN nursing program does not allow for the transfer of nursing courses.

Transfer courses must be numbered 100 or above in the course numbering system. Certain CCU degree programs, such as nursing and education, will have specific transfer equivalency requirements. Nursing students may not use Straighterline, Sophia,, or similar transfer credit to satisfy any science requirements in the nursing program. Students may not receive duplicate credit through college coursework, CLEP/DSST exams, or prior learning credit earned at CCU or transferred from another institution.

CCU may partner with other institutions to articulate a seamless process for the transfer of credits, allowing students to complete their degree at CCU. These articulation agreements may be between community colleges, four-year institutions, technical institutions, unaccredited schools, etc. Credit from unaccredited institutions is only transferable if a current articulation agreement is in place.

The evaluation of previous postsecondary education and training is mandatory and required for VA beneficiaries.  For students utilizing Veterans benefits who are approved for transfer credit as a result of this evaluation, the institution will grant appropriate credit, reduce the program length proportionately, notify the student and Veterans Affairs in writing of this decision, and adjust invoicing of the VA accordingly.  

Transferring Credit from Nontraditional Sources

Nontraditional credit is earned outside of the formal academic learning environment. Credit received is treated as transfer credit and does not count toward CCU residency requirements. Students are required to meet all residency requirements for graduation. Colorado Christian University and the College of Adult and Graduate Studies offer opportunities for students to reduce the time and cost of their degree by proving learning in a specific discipline. 

StraighterLine is a leading provider of affordable and transferrable online college courses for adult learners. CCU has partnered with StraighterLine to offer courses that can potentially save students substantial time and money as they work toward degree completion. StraighterLine specializes in online general education courses with 60 low-cost, self-paced offerings. For more information, visit StraighterLine or the Prior Learning Credit page in Connect. Nursing students may not use Straighterline (or similar) transfer credit to satisfy any science requirements in the nursing program.

FEMA offers free, self-paced, web-based, courses through its Emergency Management Institute. Students complete the independent study portion and take a final exam. For instructions on how to complete a FEMA course and obtain credit go to the FEMA Emergency Management Institute.

Note: FEMA courses are considered technical credit. Per CCU's Academic Catalog, "A student may transfer in a maximum of thirty hours of technical credit towards a bachelor's degree. Nursing students are not eligible to transfer any technical credit." 

For more information, visit the Prior Learning Credit page in Connect.

Prior Learning Credit Opportunities
Many Prior Learning Credit (PLC) assessments acceptable in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies are listed on the Prior Learning Credit page in Connect.

Students are encouraged to ask their Student Service Advisor (SSA) about these alternative credit options, which can decrease time and cost toward their degree program. PLC may not duplicate previously awarded credit and is considered transfer credit, subject to CCU's residency requirements. PLC does not contribute to the student's cumulative grade point average.

For graduation consideration, all PLC must be received, evaluated, and officially transcribed no later than the last day of the graduating semester. Graduation timelines may be affected if PLC options are not submitted in a timely manner (see specific sections for timing/processes). Students with more than six credit hours outstanding will not be allowed to walk in commencement. 

Important note: some PLC options cannot be used for major core requirements. Contact your SSA to determine if the option you choose can be used for major core requirements.

  • CLEP, DSST, UExcel, and other approved exams: CCU will grant credit for students whose test scores are at or above established levels. Information about specific CLEP and DSST testing equivalents and scores, as well as testing policies and procedures, may be obtained from an SSA or on the Prior Learning Credit page in Connect. Transcripts must come directly from the testing company. 

  • Credit by Portfolio: Credit is awarded on the basis of the evaluation of the extent of the student's learning experience. Undergraduate students may earn elective, general education, and major core credit through the portfolio process by documenting post-high school learning experiences. Graduate students in the MBA and MOL degree programs may use the credit by portfolio process to attach an emphasis or specialization to their degree. CCU is guided by standards delineated by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and ACE. Nursing students are not eligible for credit by portfolio.

  • Military Experience and the American Council on Education (ACE): Active duty personnel and veterans may receive undergraduate credit for basic training and other educational learning experience gained while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Military active duty, guard, reserve, and veterans must request an official Joint Services Transcript (JST), Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) transcript, or other documentation of their experience to be sent to CCU to receive credit.

  • Technical Credit: College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT) at the American Council on Education (ACE) evaluates workplace and non-traditional learning with colleges and employers by helping adults gain access to academic credit for training courses and certifications taken outside traditional degree programs. Technical credit is defined as vocational and occupational. Examples of technical credit are electronics, cosmetology, dental assisting, auto body repair, ammunition, welding, and paraprofessional health care. A student may transfer in a maximum of thirty hours of technical credit towards a Bachelor's degree. Nursing students are not eligible to transfer any technical credit.

  • Advanced Placement Examinations (AP): A high school graduate who has taken Advanced Placement Examinations conducted by the College Entrance Examination Board and passed with a score of 3, 4, or 5 may receive University credit.

  • Institutional Challenge Exams: Qualified CCU students may complete challenge exams to test out of and receive credit for select graduate or undergraduate College of Adult and Graduate Studies courses. CCU is guided by standards delineated by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) and ACE.

    The Dean of the School will work with faculty to determine a student's eligibility for sitting for the exam(s). Challenge exams are provided at the School's option and discretion. Departments are not required to provide exams. Students must pass the challenge exam with the equivalent of a passing grade determined by the School in order to earn credit for the course. Passed exams are recorded as transfer credit only with a pass grade (P). Challenge exams do not affect the student's cumulative grade point average.

    Please note:

    • Students may challenge a course only one time.

    • Students may not challenge a course for which they are currently registered.

    • Students may not challenge a course that they have previously failed, or from which they have previously withdrawn, or received credit. Challenge exam credit may not be awarded if it is a repeat of already earned college-level credit.

    • Although students may request to challenge a course for credit, the individual CAGS School will determine whether an examination exists and will be offered.

    • A student will not be charged tuition but will be charged an administrative fee to register for the challenge exam(s). A student may not take the exam more than once. No refund will be issued for a failing grade for an exam.  

    • For more information please contact your Student Service Advisor (SSA). 

Grading System

University Grade Scale and Chart of Percentages with Honor Points (Letter)






92.50 - 100%



89.50 ≤ 92.49%



87.50 ≤ 89.49%



82.50 ≤ 87.49%



79.50 ≤ 82.49%



77.50 ≤ 79.49%



72.50 ≤ 77.49%



69.50 ≤ 72.49%



67.50 ≤ 69.49%



62.50 ≤ 67.49%



59.50 ≤ 62.49%



Below 59.50%

*  No credit for CCU program requirements
** Failing, no credit
Please refer to individual academic program requirements for the minimum grade acceptable for graduation.

Nursing Grade Scale and Chart of Percentages 
For students enrolled in the nursing program, the Nursing School grade scale replaces the University grade scale.


Quality Points





































Below 64%

*  No credit for Nursing program requirements
** Failing, no credit

Grading System with No Honor Points (Letter)






Course In Progress


No Credit


Pass (indicates grade of C or better)


Course Withdrawal


Failing Withdrawal


Administrative Failing


No Record

Audit (AU)
Students auditing a course do not earn college credit for that course; however, audited courses do appear on their official transcripts. Students may audit adult undergraduate or graduate courses that do not have prerequisites. Students auditing a course are expected to purchase textbooks and materials, meet attendance requirements, and actively participate in course activities, but are exempt from submitting graded written assignments or exams. Auditing students who are participating in an online course are required to participate in the threaded discussion portion of course assignments. 

Students are charged the audit fee plus the resource fee, which covers the cost of all course materials (see Tuition & Fees page for more information). By arrangement with the Student Service Advisor (SSA) or Service Central, students may change from audit to credit, or credit to audit, prior to the drop deadline for the course.

Incomplete (I)
Incomplete course grades are recorded as an (I) on a student's program evaluation until the completed grade is posted. Failure on the part of the student to complete the required coursework in the allotted time will result in an automatic failure of the incomplete coursework, which may result in a failure of the course.

In the case of an approved course extension, the student will receive an "I" grade until the final grade is confirmed by the instructor.

Course In Progress (CIP)
A final grade has not yet been posted. In the case of an extension, course grades are posted at the end of the extension, reflecting the work completed.

No Credit (NC)
An NC is assigned to courses when a student does not earn college credit for a course.

Pass (P) and Fail (F)
Certain courses are designated Pass/Fail. A "P" represents a grade of C or better, and awards credit but does not impact the student's GPA. An "F" represents a grade of C- or lower, does not award credit, and does impact the student's GPA.

Course Withdrawal (W)
A "W" indicates the student has submitted a form officially requesting his/her withdrawal from a course in accordance with the CAGS Student Handbook. No credit or quality points are assigned with a W. No refunds are given on course withdrawals and students are encouraged to contact CAGS Financial Aid to determine the impact a course withdrawal has on their financial aid awards and/or VA benefits. A student who was earning an F in a course, and withdraws from the course through proper procedure, will not receive an F on their transcript; they will receive a W, which will not impact their GPA but may affect their financial status. A W will not be awarded if the student has already earned an F, FW, or FX grade for the course. The deadline to submit a course withdrawal form is the final Monday of the course at 11:59 p.m. (MST).

Failing Withdrawal (FW)
The FW indicates an unauthorized withdrawal from the course by a student who failed to complete course requirements. It will also be used for:

  • Failing to meet on-site attendance requirements per established guidelines

  • Students who have not participated in a course for 14 consecutive days and has not receive authorization to withdraw from the course

  • Students who have not participated in the last week of a course 

No refunds are given on unauthorized withdrawals and students are encouraged to contact CAGS Financial Aid to determine the impact an unauthorized withdrawal has on their financial aid awards and/or VA benefits. Students who meet on-site or online attendance requirements and participate in the last week of the class will not receive a FW; they will receive the letter grade they have earned for the course. For purposes of the grade point average and satisfactory academic progress, the FW is equivalent to an F and is included in the cumulative grade point average.

Administrative Failing (FX)
An FX is initiated by an instructor or administrator for a student's failing grade at any time for reasons other than poor grade performance, such as violation of academic integrity, the student code of conduct, and/or disruptive behavior. The FX may also be used for unsafe or unsatisfactory performance in a lab, clinic, practicum, or internship, in accordance with published criteria and procedures. The FX is calculated in the student's GPA according to the University Grading Scale as an F grade. No refunds are given on administrative failures and students are encouraged to contact CAGS Financial Aid to determine the impact the FX grade has on their financial aid awards and/or VA benefits. The FX will not be used for poor grade performance.

No Record (NR)
NR is assigned when no grade is submitted for a student. A grade of NR does not factor into the student's cumulative GPA but may affect their financial aid status.

Continuing Education Courses
Continuing Education (CE or CEU) courses carry no academic credit and are non-graded. For-credit courses are displayed on a CCU transcript; non-credit bearing CE courses are not.

Course Repeat Privileges
Students may repeat any course in which a grade of B or lower was earned. Nursing students may only repeat a nursing major course if it is not passed successfully on the first attempt. When the course is repeated, both courses and their grades are shown on the transcript, but only the last grade received will be used in calculating the cumulative GPA. If the same grade is earned twice, only one grade will be used to calculate the GPA. Full tuition is charged for the repeated course. For information on financial aid eligibility for repeated courses, see the "Financial Aid Eligibility-Repeated Courses" section of the Financial Aid Handbook.

Exception: Education students are required to complete ECE/EDU/SED 414A Field II in proximity to ECE/EDU/SED 480A Student Teaching. For education students who are suspended or take a leave of absence, Field II may need to be repeated, regardless of the grade received, if it has been 5 or more semesters since Field II was completed. Students returning to complete a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction (MACI) may also need to repeat coursework earned prior to 2010. Please see the program program page for more information.

Academic Information

A cohort is the sequential order of courses to be taken within a degree, certificate, or program. Certain requirements must be met in order for a cohort to begin. Graduate students begin their cohort sequence immediately. For further information regarding cohorts and FAQs please contact your Student Service Advisor (SSA).

Attendance and promptness are essential for student learning; for personal and small-group relationships; and for the accomplishment of learning outcomes.  Additionally, attendance is essential to comply with government regulations for Federal Financial Aid, Veterans Administration (VA) benefits, accreditation standards, and other scholarships.

Attendance is defined as the physical presence in an on-site class session or evidence of active participation in an online class session. For attendance procedures, please review the Attendance section in the CAGS Student Handbook.

Block Start & End Dates
Course start dates for courses are defined as the beginning of the block, not the date of the first class session. Course end dates are the last day of the block as listed in the student's Self-Service portal.

Leave of Absence
Students who find it necessary to take a temporary leave of absence from the University should complete the Leave of Absence Form. A leave of absence may be taken for up to three consecutive semesters. The form should be completed during the current active semester and prior to beginning the leave of absence. The leave of absence puts the student's registration status on hold, allowing the University to schedule the reactivation of their account without the necessity of additional paperwork or procedures beyond completion of the form. After the leave of absence time period has expired, the readmission time line begins. The student has 366 days to enroll in a course at CCU without readmitting. Students who return within 366 days after the end of the Leave of Absence semester may be allowed to stay on their existing catalog year.

Course Extension
When a student encounters an extenuating circumstance during a course (extenuating circumstances include death in the immediate family, extended hospitalization, extended hospitalization of a family member, unforeseen work-related relocation, or military deployment) and becomes unable to complete the course by the course end date, a request for an extension can be made through their Student Service Advisor (SSA). The due date for all remaining assignments will be the end date of the course extension. Active participation (14 days) is required, even with an approved course extension. Course extension requests must be made prior to the end date of the class. Official start and end dates for each course are available in Self-Service. See the Course Extensions section in the CAGS Student Handbook for more information.

Academic Appeals Policy
Academic appeals provide a timely and equitable resolution of problems or complaints of an academic nature when reasonable and/or direct discussion between the parties have failed to do so.  Please see the Academic Appeals section in the CAGS Student Handbook for details concerning the appeal process.

CAGS Academic Administration is responsible for student cases involving plagiarism. Students found to have plagiarized will work through the Academic Integrity procedure in the CAGS Student Handbook. Each case of plagiarism is recorded and kept on file.

University Withdrawal
Students withdrawing from the College of Adult and Graduate Studies should contact their Student Service Advisor (SSA) to complete the University Withdrawal Form and ensure financial clearance with CAGS Financial Aid. A University withdrawal does not drop or withdraw a student from his or her individual courses. Additional required Course Add/Drop Forms must be filed separately.

Directed and Independent Study
Students may request a Directed Study with the assistance of a Student Service Advisor (SSA) if the absence of a course on the CAGS course schedule significantly inhibits the student's graduation timeline. A Directed Study course section requires the submission of a formal request and requires approval from the Office of Student Success. Directed Studies are available to students whose cumulative GPA meets their program requirements. Students must complete all requirements of the original course within the standard CAGS academic calendar.

An Independent Study is intended to provide the student with an opportunity to investigate an area of academic interest not available through the regular curriculum. The investigation may include a planned program of readings or may involve research in some aspect of science. Independent Studies are available to students whose cumulative GPA meets their program GPA requirements and must be approved by an instructor and the Academic Dean under whose department the course is offered.

Internships, Student Teaching, Field Experience, Practicum, Theses
Internships, student teaching, field experience, practicum, and theses are used to fulfill specific requirements of degree programs. Field experience courses and student teaching practica generally do not extend beyond a regular semester. A thesis or internship may extend beyond a regular semester provided a formal course extension has been approved. Requirements for these courses are outlined in the course syllabus and students are supervised by University faculty.

Disability Accommodations
It is the policy of CCU to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (ADAAA) and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act regarding students and applicants with disabilities. Pursuant to these laws, no qualified individual with a disability shall unlawfully be denied access to or participation in services, programs, or activities at the University. The University will attempt to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals to the extent that it is readily achievable to do so. CCU is unable, however, to make accommodations that are unduly burdensome or that fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service, or activity. More information can be found in the Disability Accommodations section in the CAGS Student Handbook.

Academic Standing

CAGS has established standards for academic standing. Course completion rate and grade point average (GPA) standards identify progress toward a specific degree program. Academic standing is based on current degree program requirements. To earn an academic standing status, students must complete a minimum of six total credits. Associate and bachelor's degree students are in undergraduate programs; master's and doctoral students are in graduate programs.

Financial Aid may be affected by an academic standing status. Contact CAGS Financial Aid or VA Support for individual advice.

Minimum GPA requirements for CAGS students

  • Graduate/Doctoral Programs - 3.00

  • Undergraduate Nursing Programs - 3.00

  • Undergraduate Education Programs (Licensure) - 2.75

  • Undergraduate Education Programs (Non-Licensure) - 2.50

  • Other Undergraduate Programs - 2.00


A student who has earned six or more total credit hours and maintained minimum program GPA requirements will be in regular standing.

Probation & Continued Probation
In the event that student's GPA falls below the above stated regular standards, they will receive a probationary status.

  • Undergraduate and Graduate students on academic probation are limited to a maximum of nine non-concurrent semester credits.

  • Students on probation are not eligible to register for classes until they have consulted with their Student Service Advisor (SSA) and completed the form as directed.

  • Financial Aid may be affected by a probationary status. Contact CAGS Financial Aid or VA Support for individual advice.

  • In the event a probationary student's grades do not meet the stated requirements to return to regular standing, the student will go onto continued probation or suspension (depending on term GPA) the following semester. The student will be notified of progressive action by their SSA.

  • Students may be placed on continued probation if their term GPA meets or is above the program requirement but their cumulative GPA is still below the requirement.


  • Any student not meeting the cumulative and term GPA requirements at the end of a semester on probation, continued probation, or contract status, is suspended.

  • Financial Aid and Veterans benefits may be affected by a suspension status. Contact CAGS Financial Aid or VA Support for individual advice.

Suspension Appeal

  • A suspended student has the right to appeal within ten days following the suspension. Please see the Suspension Appeal section in the CAGS Student Handbook for more details on this procedure.

  • If the student's appeal is not received within the ten day deadline, the student will remain suspended for one calendar year (365 days from the start date of the last course enrolled).

  • In the case of an approved appeal, the student will be on a contract status for one semester. If the student does not meet the cumulative GPA requirement at the end of their contract semester they will be placed on suspension.

    • Undergraduate and graduate students on contract status cannot take courses concurrently.

  • A student who is reinstated from suspension will need to meet the requirements of an Academic Contract for one semester.

  • Students are limited to two suspension appeals during their academic career at CCU (including appealing for readmission).

  • Students who have not completed a course at CCU for 365 days or more (from the start date of the last course enrolled) must reapply for readmission. See the "Readmission" section for more information.

Dean's List
To encourage academic excellence and progress, undergraduate CAGS students who complete a minimum of nine CCU credit hours in the semester are recognized by placement on the Dean's List for the corresponding semester if their GPA is 3.80 or better.

Students who have not completed a course at CCU for more than 365 days (from the end date of the last registered course) must reapply for admission.

Any student who applies to Colorado Christian University after the conclusion of academic suspension is required to contact an enrollment counselor and submit a suspension appeal form.

If approved for readmission, the student will be considered for the program for which they are requesting, according to application guidelines under the current catalog year. Readmission to the original program is not guaranteed and will be based on the program admission requirements established at the time that the student seeks readmission to the program.

Readmission after academic suspension does not guarantee financial aid eligibility. All readmission applicants are subject to background checks. Students are responsible for confirming financial aid eligibility and/or verified payment arrangements before registration.

Conditionally Admitted Students
Students admitted on a Conditional Admit (CAD) Agreement are required to meet specific performance standards their first semester at CCU. Failure to meet the CAD Agreement standards may result in suspension following the student's first term. See provided CAD Agreement for specific requirements.


Prerequisites are intended to prepare students for successful completion of advanced courses. Failure to complete a prerequisite will prevent a student from continuing in a predetermined sequence. It is the student's responsibility to work closely with their Student Service Advisor (SSA) to ensure prerequisites have been completed and sequence is taken in order.

CUS and CAGS Courses
Students enrolled in CAGS programs may be approved to take no more than six credits from the College of Undergraduate Studies (CUS) during their time at CCU. CAGS students registered in CUS courses will follow the standards and expectations of the policies and procedures of the College of Undergraduate Studies. CUS students may be approved to take no more than fifteen credits and will follow the standards and expectations of the policies and procedures of the College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

Classification of Students
Students are classified according to their objective, level, progress, and load.

Objective: A regular student is working toward a degree or certification and must meet all standard requirements for admission. A non-degree seeking student is not working toward a degree or certification; please see section below.

Level: Students working toward an Associate or Bachelor's degree are classified as undergraduate level students. Students working toward a graduate degree (Masters or Doctoral) are classified as graduate-level students. Students seeking certificates or licensure may be classified as either undergraduate or graduate-level students.

Progress: Student progress is reflected in the number of semester hours completed.


Credit Hours Completed


Up to 29






90 or more

Undergraduate Classification

Credit Hours Per Semester


12 or more



Less than Half-Time


Graduate Classification

Credit Hours Per Semester


6 or more



Less than Half-Time


Load: Course load varies depending on program of study and personal choice. Load limit classifications and definitions may vary between federal regulations and CCU's block schedule.

Course Load Limits:


  1. New CAGS undergraduate students admitted in good standing may enroll in no more than 15 semester credits their first semester at CCU.

  2. New CAGS undergraduate students admitted in good standing may not exceed more than 3 semester hours concurrently in their first registered block at CCU. Students receiving military Tuition Assistance, VA benefits, or Vocational Rehab benefits may enroll in no more than 6 semester hours concurrently in their first registered block at CCU.

  3. Continuing undergraduate students may not exceed 18 semester credits without override approval from the dean of their respective program.

  4. Students may not exceed nine credit hours concurrently in any block without prior approval.

  5. CAGS academic standing policy imposes a maximum of nine semester credits for students on probation, continued probation, or contract status. Courses cannot be taken concurrently. 


  • Graduate students in good standing may not exceed 12 semester credits in any given semester without override approval from the dean of their respective program.

  • Students may not exceed six credit hours concurrently in any block.

  • CAGS academic standing policy imposes a maximum of nine semester credits for students on probation. Courses cannot be taken concurrently. 

  • Undergraduate students are only eligible to take master-level courses (500-600) if the course is part of their undergraduate degree program.

  • Master-level courses are numbered 500 and 600, and doctoral-level courses are numbered 700.

  • Graduate-level tuition pricing is applicable for all graduate-level courses.

Adding Courses
The deadline to register for a course is 11:59 p.m. (MST) on the start date of the course, according to Self-Service. Students are not able to register for a course after the official start date. Students who drop a course (intentionally or unintentionally) after the start date may not be re-added to the course for that block.

Regardless of the registration date, students must be prepared to complete course requirements once the course begins. Failure to obtain course materials/textbooks or complete assignments due to registration date does not qualify for a course or due date extension.

Registration opens for a semester at least two months prior to the start date of that semester. Registering early allows students the optimum selection of courses as well as sufficient time to prepare for their courses. This includes accessing course materials, reviewing course syllabi, acquiring computer access, etc.

While Student Service Advisors (SSAs) are available to help with registration, responsibility for selecting and registering courses on a timely basis ultimately rests with each student. Students have full access to their program evaluation in Self-Service to help with this process.

Dropping Courses
The deadline to drop a five-week, seven-week, eight-week, or ten-week course is the course's second Monday (the eighth day of the course) at 11:59 p.m. (MST). For semester-long courses, the drop deadline is the fourth Monday of the course (twenty-first day of the course) at 11:59 p.m. (MST). For residency courses, the drop deadline is the course's eighth day, and residency course fees are non-refundable.

Courses may be dropped using Self-Service. Course drops are processed in real-time and students are responsible for confirming that the drop has been processed. If a course is dropped after its official start date, students cannot re-register for the course in that block.

Courses must be dropped before the drop deadline in order to receive a full reversal of tuition and fees. Students are financially and academically responsible for any course(s) not dropped by the drop deadline. Reference the Course Withdrawal section in the CAGS Student Handbook for more information.

Residency Requirement

To earn a Colorado Christian University degree, the following must be earned through CCU:

1. Certificate and Endorsement
    75% of the program requirements.

2. Associate of Arts/Science Degree 
    25% of the program requirements.
    50% of any major credit requirements.

3. Bachelor Degrees 
    25% of the program requirements.

Within a major
At least 50% of the course requirements in the major field.
At least 50% of major coursework must be upper division (300 and above).

Within a minor
At least 80% of the course requirements in the minor field.

4. Graduate Degrees/Programs

  • Alternative License: A minimum of 9 semester credits (6 transfer credits allowed).

  • Alternative License Special Education Generalist: A minimum of 19 semester credits (9 transfer credits allowed). 

  • Doctor of Counselor Education and Supervision: A minimum of 48 semester credits (12 transfer credits allowed).

  • Doctor of Nursing Practice: A minimum of 24 semester credits (6 transfer credits allowed with approval of program director).

  • M.A. Applied Apologetics: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Biblical Studies: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling: A minimum of 48 semester credits (maximum of 12 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling Marriage and Family Therapy: A minimum of 56 semester credits (maximum of 12 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling Substance Use Disorders: A minimum of 56 semester credits (maximum of 12 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Curriculum and Instruction: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 6 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Executive Leadership in Christian Ministry: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. School Counseling: A minimum of 48 semester credits (maximum of 12 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.A. Theological Studies: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed).

  • Master of Business Administration: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.Ed. Educational Leadership: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 6 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.Ed. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education: A minimum of 30 semester credits (no transfer credits allowed).

  • M.Ed. Special Education: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 8-13 transfer credits allowed).

  • Master of Organizational Leadership: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 6 transfer credits allowed).

  • Master of Public Administration: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 6 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.S. Accounting: A minimum of 30 semester credits (no transfer credit allowed).

  • M.S. Criminal Justice: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 6 transfer credits allowed).

  • M.S. Cyber Security: A minimum of 30 semester credits (no transfer credits allowed).

  • M.S. Economics: A minimum of 30 semester hours (no transfer credits allowed).

  • M.S. Human Resource Management: A minimum of 30 semester credits (no transfer credits allowed). 

  • M.S. Nursing: A minimum of 30 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed with approval of program director).

  • M.S. Psychology: A minimum of 21 semester credits (maximum of 9 transfer credits allowed).

  • Principal Licensure: A minimum of 21 semester credits (maximum of 6 transfer credits allowed).

Prior Learning Credit (PLC): American Council on Education (ACE) Credit, FEMA - Emergency Management Institute, Credit by Examination (CLEP, DSST, UExcel), StraighterLine, Credit by Portfolio, and Advanced Placement (AP) credits earned are considered transfer credit, and therefore do not apply towards CCU's residency requirements.

Students are not required to be enrolled in order to graduate, but must submit final transfer credit to fulfill degree requirements within one year of their enrollment at CCU.  

Dual Use of Courses

Within certain degree programs, some courses may serve dual purposes within the general education required core and the major core requirements. However, in order to uphold the integrity of our programs, this option is limited to fifteen credit hours total. Examples of courses that can be used in both the general education section and the foundation/major areas are: HUM 425A, BUS 105A, MKT 205A, ECO 220A, and select psychology courses. If a student elects to utilize these courses in both areas, they must ensure that they have completed sufficient electives to maintain the full 120 credits for degree completion.

Undergraduate students may complete a maximum of twelve credits of 500 level education courses in their major for a Bachelor's degree and use the same credits to fulfill requirements in a Master's degree. Undergraduate students are only eligible to take graduate-level courses if the course is part of their undergraduate degree program. Students who have earned EDU 500-level courses completed in an undergraduate education degree may be applied to the graduate degree if they have been completed within five years. Grades earned for graduate-level courses taken as part of an undergraduate degree program are calculated with the student's undergraduate cumulative grade point average (GPA) and are not factored into the student's graduate program GPA. Graduate-level tuition pricing is applicable for all graduate-level courses. 

Double Majors

To earn a second major, the student must complete all course requirements of the major including any foundational courses. Within the second major, there must be a minimum of 24 non-duplicated credits. Students may utilize the courses of the second major to fulfill the elective requirements of the first major. If the double majors are the same degree (i.e. Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science), a student receives one Bachelor's degree with two separate disciplines. Majors completed in two different degrees (B.A. and B.S.) will be awarded both degrees.


Students can add a minor to any CAGS Bachelor's degree. When students declare a minor, they must complete the full eighteen (or more) credits required by the minor and fulfill CCU's residency requirement as stated above. In addition, students must complete any required prerequisites of the minor. None of the courses in the minor can be a duplicate of major course requirements. Contact your Student Service Advisor (SSA) for additional options and further clarification.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-degree seeking students are students who are not working toward a degree or certification, but who select courses to meet personal interests.  Non-degree seeking students are limited by the number of hours they can complete prior to admission as a degree-seeking student. A maximum of 15 CCU undergraduate credit hours earned prior to admission to an undergraduate degree program may be applied to a degree program. Graduate students may apply a maximum of nine graduate credit hours earned prior to admission toward a graduate degree. Non-degree seeking students, other than certificate students, wanting to take graduate-level courses must gain approval from the appropriate Academic Dean. Permission to enroll in graduate courses as a non-degree seeking student does not guarantee admission to a graduate degree program. Students must be enrolled as a regular student seeking a degree, diploma or licensure to qualify for federal financial aid programs. See the CAGS Financial Information section of the catalog for further information.

Graduation and Commencement

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete all course and credit requirements of the respective degree or licensure program.

  2. Attain a minimum cumulative GPA for the respective degree or licensure program (see table below).

  3. Meet minimum letter grade requirements for all CCU courses. Additional letter grade requirements for major core courses may apply.

  4. Meet minimum score requirements for standardized exams as required by certain degree programs.

  5. Undergraduate education students must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher in all CCU coursework. Students must earn a C- or higher in all education core courses, and must consistently demonstrate professional disposition qualities, knowledge and skills in all core courses and field studies. Please see the School of Education Professions page for more information.

  6. Undergraduate nursing students must earn a grade of C or better and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better in all CCU coursework.

  7. Check the Degree Program catalog pages for a complete list of degree requirements.

  8. Meet the CCU residency requirement.

  9. Submit a Graduation Application prior to registering for the semester in which the student plans to graduate.

  10. Have no outstanding financial obligation to the University.

  11. Procedure to receive transcripts can be found online at


Minimum Cumulative GPA

Associate of Arts/Science


Bachelor of Science


Bachelor of Science Nursing


Bachelor of Arts


Bachelor of Arts Educational Licensure


Bachelor of Arts Educational Non-Licensure


All Masters and Doctoral Programs


Commencement Participation
The University holds commencement in May of each year. Students are expected to complete all requirements toward fulfillment of their degree prior to participating in commencement. However, CCU will make an exception to this policy provided an undergraduate or graduate student has no more than six credits of work outstanding or no more than student teaching remaining and is completing those credits in the upcoming summer or fall semester. 

Students are expected to have all financial obligations owed to the University paid in full prior to participating in commencement. Commencement participation is reserved for students who are earning an Associate, Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctoral degree. Commencement participation is not extended to students who have earned a license, endorsement, or certificate without earning an accompanying degree. For more information, visit the Commencement Team Site on CCU Connect. The site is updated and made available each spring.

Students who anticipate submitting Prior Learning Credit (see Transferring Credit from Nontraditional Sources above) must complete requirements and have all transcripts received, evaluated, and officially transcribed no later than the last day of the graduating semester in order to have the credit count toward fulfillment of their degree requirements and to participate in commencement.

Latin Laude Honors
For the purposes of the May commencement ceremony, all honors and awards will be based on the cumulative grade point average (GPA) recorded on the student's record at the time of commencement. The GPA at that time will not reflect any outstanding grades or courses not yet completed. Final honors and awards will be posted on students' transcripts at the time they complete their degree requirements and will be based on the final cumulative grade point average.

Undergraduate students seeking a Bachelor's degree who have completed at least 60 semester hours of credit at Colorado Christian University may be eligible for Laude Honors. To participate in the Spring commencement with Laude Honors, students must achieve the following cumulative GPAs at the time of commencement:

  • Cum Laude (with honor): 3.50 - 3.69

  • Magna Cum Laude (with high honor): 3.70 - 3.89

  • Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor): 3.90 - 4.00

University Honors: Undergraduate Honors
Undergraduate students seeking a Bachelor's degree who have completed fewer than 60 semester hours of credit at Colorado Christian University may be eligible for University Honors. To achieve University Honors at graduation, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or better while attending CCU.

University Honors: Graduate Honors
Graduate students seeking their graduate or doctoral degree who have completed 30 or more semester hours of credit at Colorado Christian University may be eligible for University Honors. To achieve University Honors (Graduate with High Distinction) at graduation, graduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.90 or better while attending CCU.

Alpha Sigma Lambda
To recognize undergraduate students who have demonstrated a commitment to academic excellence, servant leadership, and a promise for future community leadership, Colorado Christian University supports the Sigma Nu chapter of the Alpha Sigma Lambda (ASL) National Honor Society. To qualify for consideration into ASL's national chapter, these students must be matriculated in their first degree-seeking Bachelor's program, have completed at least 24 credit hours at CCU out of a total of at least 90 successfully completed credit hours, and a minimum grade-point average of 3.20 on a 4.00 scale. Only the top 20 percent of students in the College of Adult and Graduate Studies program may receive this award. ASL membership is granted based on meeting all the criteria and not any one element alone.

Chi Sigma Iota
Chi Sigma Iota (CSI) is an international honor society that values academic and professional excellence in counseling. CSI promotes a strong professional identity through its 100,000 members (professional counselors, counselor educators, and students) who contribute to the realization of a healthy society by fostering wellness and human dignity. Membership is by invitation only to those recognized for their attainment of academic and clinical excellence in professional counseling.

Sigma Theta Tau
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), is a global organization advancing world health and honoring nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership and service.  STTI membership is by invitation only and is extended to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship. Colorado Christian University is one of four institutions that comprise the Alpha Kappa Chapter at Large.

United Stated Armed Forces Recognition
Candidates for graduation who have served or who are currently serving in any of the five branches of the United States Armed Forces (including National Guard or Reserves) are eligible to receive a red, white, and blue recognition cord from CCU for commencement.

Cancellation of Courses

Under-enrolled courses may be canceled and need to be completed at another date, location, or online. Notification to the student will be made by phone or email. The responsibility for checking course schedules and maintaining progress toward graduation ultimately remains with the student.

Center Closures: Inclement Weather and Emergencies

On-site classes will be moved online for the session; further instruction will come from faculty. Students will be notified by a RAVE Alert (email, text message, and/or phone), CCU Connect, Blackboard, and/or the University's Web site.

Should you feel uncomfortable about driving to your respective CAGS center during inclement weather, and the center is still open, you must contact your instructor prior to class.

Important Note: Closure of the center does not mean a "free day" for students and faculty. Your instructor may send you information on how to participate online that day.